「耶和華啊,我要在萬民中稱謝你,在列邦中歌頌你。」詩篇 108:3
(冼紋玉,香港)感謝主!能參與音樂營聚會,雖然因工作關係,只參與了兩場信息聚會,聚會中體會主的同在,尤其在第二晚信息中提到,聖經中有許多「歌頌」的字眼:「要在萬民中歌頌袮」,更深體會、確定要為主sing through the land。歷代志下第二十章提到,打仗的時候也要設立歌唱的人;他們正歌唱的時候,神就擊殺敵人,音樂的事奉 ,實在很重要。
主啊!願我們一同為祢sing through the land!袮最配得榮耀和萬民的歌頌!
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我形容這次音樂營,猶如屬靈「海豹突擊隊」訓練營。所說的不單有以往團隊的日程安排,更寶貴有多位長老哥哥帶動每天早上的聚會,一同在多方面進入、實踐合神心意人的道路。內容不乏志權哥哥教導定點、志光哥哥教導全面「四長一短」的實行、兆良哥哥教導瞻仰與變化。但重點在於,我們整個團隊的弟兄姊妹也渴慕神,以致在日與夜中一齊快樂地進步、突破!與清心禱告的人一同追求不單是保羅的勸勉,更是我在音樂營的心願(提後二22 )。
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(Shirley Lee,多倫多)I have a couple of gains, but I will only talk about a few of them...
- The Music Camp has helped me A LOT in my relationship with God.
Previously I reflected on my spiritual self, and felt like my drawing near to God was lacking many sense that it felt more like a chore than it was a cultivation of a relationship. Through the camp, I gained a lot of insight on simplifying the Sweet Daily Living—condensing it to one to two lines—while keeping the most important aspect: ENJOYING the truth... the space. "Enjoying" kept popping up and I realized how important this was in the pursuit for God and His will. How are we to do His will if we can't even enjoy His presence? Adding space to the Sweet Daily Living gave a chance for the Lord to respond, and it was exactly what I was looking for—to experience God. How do we experience Him if we don't give Him a chance to? A lot of these key aspects helped me to realign my way of drawing close to Him.
- The Music Camp helped me realized my part in God's Picture.
The Music Camp provided a very clear vision of the coming tasks that we will bear in the coming days. Music will be a cornerstone in the “Sing through the World” project to spread the Good News. It was a reflection and a reminder of our main career—to spread the gospel to the world, to finish the task the Lord laid on us. The vision was glorious, but the workload was unimaginable and the burden was laid on each one of us to take it up. Here, I realized my role in God's family, in His plan for eternity, and it was here that I realized what I needed to do to contribute to it.
- His Ultimate Love Dream—One Big Family
I feel so blessed to be able to be a part of this Music Camp, that I was able to meet so many brothers and sisters from all over the world and feel their love and dedication for the Lord and this family. It was through the Friday Concert that I realized how much I don't want this camp to end and to have brothers and sisters stay. Then I realized that this is God's Love Dream, to have brothers and sisters from all over the world, of different ethnicity, culture and background to come together in unity—the Unity of the Lord. One Big Family! I realized how much MORE the Lord wants this than me and it also amplified the need of the work in the music ministry to be done.
I'm so thankful I was able to be a part of this camp, be a part of this vision and was able to get to know so many brothers and sisters. May the Lord guide our works ahead... so we can truly “sing through the world”