詞:余光昭 曲:Franklin L.Sheppard
1.My Abba stretches out His hand,
Invites me gladly to join
The most joyous holy Trinity’s
Eternal dance of love.
Such joy’s beyond all dreams!
Such love’s above all thoughts!
Embraced in your warmest circle of love,
My bliss and joy overflow.
2.Our God stretches out His hands,
Invites me gladly to join
Abba, the Lord and the Spirit’s
Eternal dance of love.
Such joy’s beyond all dreams!
Such love’s above all thoughts!
I now enter Your circle of love,
My bliss and joy overflow.
3.Into Your fellowship of joy,
I’m embraced with tender love.
As I join in Your dance of love,
My bliss and joy overflow.
Such joy’s beyond all dreams!
Such love’s above all thoughts!
Most blessed am I in the universe.
I’m treasured in the depth of Your heart!