My Name is Giri Gyanendra. I believed in Jesus in 1996 after investigating about Jesus for one year.
I would like to thank God (Lord Jesus) for letting me have chance to know Him. I have planned not to be Christian in fact but after a year of search and many experiences like those Christian brothers and sisters from Hong Kong their faith, belief, honesty, love really attracted me but that was not enough to motivate me to follow Christ. The strongest evidence I saw and experienced those brothers and sisters helping many demons possessed people in Nepal, they driver away the Satan from them in the name of Jesus Christ. I saw those abnormal (sicked) demons passed were get recover with in short time. It struck my heart, gave me strong evidence of spiritual reality. I knew Jesus is true. God and in His name Satan and demons can be casted away. After serving and experiencing it I made a decision to believe in Christ. I also spent 7 years serving brothers and sisters in Nepal. When I came to Hong Kong in 2004, I was only a Nepalese in the Church of God in Hong Kong among 7 to 8 thousand of Chinese brothers and sisters. Though there are so many Nepal Church in Hong Kong. But why I didn’t join Nepal Church? Because I believed in Christ. I wanted to follow Him according to Bible. I have found here brothers and sisters are so honest and true to Jesus Christ. The Church is walking according to Bible. I can experience the God’s family: the care desire of Christ. There is no ranking among brothers and sisters. The Church leaders even with good education and high reputation they devoted for Christ and they work (voluntarily) without pay. I can see many brothers and sisters those life for other people, for society, they are full of love and care! I have very high respect and trust on them. They live for glory of GOD!
G.G. (Paul)
The Church of God in Hong Kong 2015